Whelp it's that time again, I am going to the Rainbow Gathering again this year. The training school started already, which has been really great so far. I feel like I can relax and enjoy it this year since I helped plan it and am familiar, dare I say friends, with the Steiger people now.
The gathering itself should be great this year too, it's in Wyoming so it should be a dry heat during the day and cold at night right? I hope so I hate hot and humid weather. After last year I think I can survive any gathering now. Plus we have a great team, just genuine, nice, fun people.
Today was a free day so I went to Stillwater with some peeps and it was pretty cool, I love river towns or towns with great boardwalks/warfs/docks on the lakes/oceans. But doesn't everybody?
Our house in Chaska sold too! So that sucks that it's finally happening, and I won't have a home anymore. But good because it's closure to that chapter of my life I guess...Boooo growing up...anyway, at least I can vacation in Arizona now to see my parents. And my dogs, which I never thought I would be one of those people but I really do miss them!
Ok well I guess that's all for now. I will definitely write a blog when I get back in a month. Until please be praying for us and Adieu.