Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Book Report #1

Hey there, I thought it was time to write again as I have read some pretty awesome books these last few months and I feel like sharing a little bit about them.

Revolution by George Barna
is about the revolutionary new Christian movement going on today. About the shift from going to traditional church to BEING the church...pretty exciting and totally relevant, everyone (especially those in ministry) should read it! Plus what is cool for me personally is I feel like Mark, the pastor of my church that I am interning at, has totally cought the vision of what church should be and is pasionate about communtiy and relationship. So yeah it's really encouraging to be around people who have the same views as me.

Breaking The Missional Code by...forgot, is similar in content, more about the movement.

The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer
Amazing for anyone who wants to teach anything! Just really good, especially the parts about paradoxes, movements, and identity.

Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus
I have not finished this one, but so far it's really good. It's about seizing moments, risk taking for God, and here's a good little line from it "When we are passionate about God, we can trust our passions". This book is great for those seeking direction in their life.

Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard
Amazing, a great book about spiritual maturity, sanctification, transformation of your heart, and yeah becoming more like Christ. I tried to under line stuff but I had to stop because LITERALLY there was something interesting and thought-provoking on EVERY page! A MUST READ for ALL Christians, no matter where you are in your walk with God.

The Beginner's Guide to The Gift of Prophecy by Jack Deere
I am new to the whole prophecy gifting so this was really helpful, a great guideline for anyone with this gift or for those who want it (be encouraged because the Bible even says to pray to receive it).

Miracle Workers, Reformers, and the New Mystics by John Crowder
I can't even begin to tell you how amazing this book is, it's kind of long but the content is incredible and totally worth it. Crowder talks about people in history and miracles, signs, wonders, etc. and different Christian movements throughout history. He also talks a great deal about the near future, and how this generation will have gifts restored to the church and will see many creative miracles and will move in power beyond that of the early church! I can't wait! This one to is a MUST READ.

Searching For God Knows What by Donald Miller
This book was funny, a fast read, and I really came to see the Bible in a new way, as a story of relationship between God and humans not just formulas, lessons, or rules. Something I had kind of forgotten after being at a Bible school for so long. The way he explains the Fall is so good and it kind of showed me how to see God as a lover which is something I have always been uncomfortable with. Like thinking of him as a Father is great, especially if you have daddy issues, but I don't so that never seemed to be intimate enough for me. So this whole Bride idea is starting to work for me especially since I have never had a date much less a boyfriend. If you're open to it, pray for me about that, cause I really want to know Jesus in a more intimate way and "soaking prayer" is a challenge for me.

Ok well that's all for now here are some of the books I will discuss in the next book report:

When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson
Angels on Assignment by Charles Francis Hunter
Wasted on Jesus by James Goll
and more...



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