I Got it Sorted
Well the day after I wrote the last blog I got it sorted out and God began to heal my heart. Every Wed. morning my house has prayer or worship time, so Kirsty and Mark (the pastor and his wife) prayed for me since it was just us who showed up on time. I had told my house a little of what was going on but I was surprised by Kirsty's word from God for me. She said that she got the sense that normally I am a caregiver in my circle of influence and that right now in this time of being away from my normal life (internship) God wants to care for me. She got a picture of me on a bed with gifts all around me and I am just passing them out to people, so it's like God wants to care for me and give me gifts so that I can care and give to others.
It was exactly what I needed to hear and it totally explained why I had all these feelings for this one guy (I didn't mention that part in the last blog). I didn't know what to do with all of the left over emotions and longings to care for someone so I put that into liking someone even though the whole time I knew that should be going towards God but I didn't know how to do that. Hense the crisis of not knowing how to relate to Jesus.
Then later that day I sat down with Kirsty and we went through these tests in a book called Sacred Pathways to see which pathways were strongest in me. Turns out my highest was Contemplative, then Caregiver, and Intellectual. Which I suppose I always knew I connected to God the most in those ways but it was good to have confirmation and the book also had ideas and warnings etc. for each pathway so it was good to read about them and then learn ways to do them.
So yeah, I am optimistic about the new things to try in my relationship with Jesus, and man, if there is one thing God is always faithful in for me it's speaking through other people!
For Jesus, Kate